I.    Activating Prior Knowledge

Think about the discussions that we had in class about a revolution. How might a change in a scientific theory or a new mathematical discovery be considered a revolution?

II.    Setting A Purpose for Reading

Many of the "discoveries" that Galileo made, had been made by other scientists. However, the publication of his findings brought him into direct conflict with the Roman Catholic Church. At the time, his ideas were considered "revolutionary." As you read the Indictment of Galileo Galilei consider the charges that were made against him. Were these charges warranted?

III.    Reading the Text (Read, Re-read, and Read Again)

"Whereas you, Galileo, son of the late Vincenzio Galilei, of Florence, aged seventy years, were denounced in 1615, to this Holy Office, for holding as true a false doctrine taught by many, namely that the sun is immovable in the center of the world, and that the earth moves, and also with a diurnal motion; also, for having pupils whom you instructed in the same opinions; also, for maintaining a correspondence on the same with some German mathematicians; also, for publishing certain letters on the sun-spots, in which you developed the same doctrine as true; also for answering the objections which were continually produced from the Holy Scriptures, by glozing the said Scriptures according to your own meaning; and whereas thereupon was produced the copy of a writing, in form of a letter professedly written by you to a person formerly your pupil, in which, following the hypothesis of Copernicus, you include several propositions contrary to the true sense and authority of the Holy Scriptures; therefore (this Holy Tribunal being desirous of providing agains the disorder and mischief which were thence proceeding and increasing to the detriment of the Holy Faith) by the desire of his Holiness and the Most Emminent Lords, Cardinals of this supreme and universal Inquisition, the two propositions of the stability of the sun, and the motion of the earth were qualified by the Theological Qualifiers as follows:
  1. The proposition that the sun is in the center of the world and immovable from its place is absurd, philosophically false, and formally heretical; because it is expressely contrary to Holy Scriptures.
  2. The proposition that the earth is not the center of the world, nor immovable, but that it moves, and also with a diurnal action, is also absurd, philosophically false, and theologically considered, at least erroneous in faith."
Source:  This text is part of the Internet Modern History Sourcebook. The Sourcebook is a collection of public domain and copy-permitted texts for introductory level classes in modern European and World history.

IV.    Personal Reflection

Take a few moments to blog any comments that you might have about this article. Once you have recorded your thoughts, please comment on at least three other responses.

V.    Now read the post "Galileo - Letter to the Grand Duchess Christina of Tuscany, 1615" for Galileo's response to the charges made against him.

deanna dominick elv3
12/4/2012 04:26:35 am

1. What I think the passage changed about the revolution that we learn in class is that Galileo was the son of the late Vincenzio Galileo, and that German mathematicians would write letters to people too.
2. The charges that they made against Galileo is that he would never give anyone power and saying that he was hiding from the police. Galileo never did any one of those things they just wanted him in jail because of how good he was in his paintings because of how much realistic feature he put n his paintings too.But Galileo just went with it

12/4/2012 05:53:56 am

I agree with 1 he was his son

12/13/2012 12:38:26 am

I agree with one because he son really took after his father's talents

12/4/2012 07:22:25 am

I believe your 1. answer does not make sense to the question asked.

12/4/2012 11:54:34 pm

i agree with you because you made good and i understand your answers.

12/5/2012 05:27:50 am

I agree with one, but if the military found out Galilao is going against the Roman Catholic Church and everyone else belifes, the military would send a spy to find and bring in Galilao and throw him in the dungon.

12/13/2012 12:17:30 am

1.i agree with number one cause his son picks up his fathers tallent

12/4/2012 05:52:11 am

From what I read the church had thought that Galileo was starting a revolution agenst The Roman Church and they thought that was false and accused him of thinking the sun was stationary and that the earth moved.

12/4/2012 09:00:20 am

I agree the Roman Church thought that the statemet Galileo made was false.

12/4/2012 11:55:28 pm

i agree with you because i understand yours and your was so good to me.

12/11/2012 10:03:44 am

I agree with your response but I think you would have benefited from a little bit more details and facts from the text

12/13/2012 06:04:45 am

I agree with your answser that the church punished him for believing something different.

12/4/2012 07:14:43 am

In this article I learned that Galileo was tried for beliefs that were against the church. He believed that the earth revolved around the sun an that the sun was immovable. The church believed that god created us in his own image and because of that we should be in the middle of the universe where everything revolves around us including the sun. I believe that the church is outrageous in saying Galileo's beliefs were philosophically false. He was an astronomer and the church was just a church. He studied this stuff and they just read about. I think the church had no right to try Galileo like that when they most likely were just relying book.

12/4/2012 08:58:11 am

I agree because the chruch thought that everything should be the center of everything and evrything shoould go around us. But, they're wrong.

12/4/2012 09:25:54 am

I agree with you. you used a lot of details from the text that were true. like that the church said that Galileo's beliefs were false but they were true.

12/4/2012 11:56:40 pm

I agree with you because you did a good work and you put details and a lot of other things to.

12/5/2012 09:33:22 am

I agree that Gaileo was tried for beliefs that went against the church and because others were teaching his beliefs.

12/6/2012 09:48:15 am

I agree with your thoughts because the church had no right to throw him into jail because he proved a hypothesis that Copernicus thought of.

12/10/2012 11:43:05 pm

I agree with you because in class mrs.elvington told us that the people beleived that "god created us in his own image and because of that we should be the middle of the unverse".So once Galileo declared that the sun was the center,the curch was against Galileos beleif.

12/11/2012 05:59:29 am

I strongly agree with you opinon and thoughts!

12/4/2012 07:21:21 am

In this story i learned that Galileo was sentenced to prison because of belief that the sun moved around the sun not the other way around. He tried to tell the Roman Catholic church and they got mad at him and put him in jail only just a few years ago they forgave him.

12/4/2012 08:55:10 am

I agree because they did put him to jail to proving wrong to the church

12/5/2012 09:36:29 am

I agree that Gaileo was sentenced to prison because the sun moved around the sun and not the other way around.

12/6/2012 09:58:09 am

I agree with you because he was sentenced to prison because of proving his theory and the Catholic Church found out about it. The Catholic Church did apologize to Galileo, but it was about 500 years after his death.

Gerald Harris
12/4/2012 07:54:47 am

1.What I think the passage changed about the revolution, that Galileo is the son of Vincenzio Galileo, and that German mathematicians could write letters to the people they knew or heard of.
2.The charges that they press against Galileo is that "I would never give anyone" power and saying that he was hiding from the cops. Galileo never did any wrong people just wanted him in jail because of all the good he had did in his paintings, because of the realistic feature he put in his paintings though.But Galileo just agreed and went with the iddea he was painting.

12/11/2012 12:36:12 am

Some of the comments are incorrect.

12/4/2012 08:53:29 am

Galileo belifs where against the Roman Catholic Chruch and that he was sent to jail. The only reason he was sent to jail is because the church thought that the sun was moving around the earth but it is the other way around, the earth moves around the sun.

12/4/2012 09:28:15 am

I agree with you because the church did think that the earth was the center of the universe and that the sun revolved around us but they were wrong.

12/5/2012 09:38:32 am

I agree that Gaileo belief was aganist the Roman Catholic Church and he was sentenced to go to jail because he thought the sun wes moving around the earth.

12/13/2012 06:08:09 am

I agree with your answer that he was sent away because of his belief that the sun did not move but the earth did.

12/4/2012 09:23:55 am

I learned that Galileo thought the earth revolved around the sun and that the earth is immovable. The church believed that God created man in his own image and because of that we should be the center of the universe where everything revolves around us. The church said that Galileo's beliefs were false when they were really true.

12/13/2012 08:30:15 am

I agree with your answers they were good and simple but i wished you put a little more it just felt like you had something missing.

Genesis G.elv3
12/4/2012 11:39:22 pm

In this article Galileo was just trying to figure something out from a belief he believed in and that from his belief he got into prisoned because of not agreeing with capricorn about us revolving the ssun when the su revolves us and even though its true we have ,at this time have discovered it also fro the teachings of galileo.

12/4/2012 11:53:21 pm

i think that this passage is about Galileo was trying to figure out from a belief so he was in jail because he didn't agree with the people and that's what i think about it.

12/12/2012 04:47:28 am

I agree with you because he was put in jail because he did not belive what the other people belived.

12/5/2012 05:19:57 am

I think this selection is about Galilao proving that the sun is indeed the center of the solar system, but is afraid to say it to the public because he would be in the dungon if either the military or someone heard, they could tell the military.

12/11/2012 10:05:32 am

I disagree. I think that if Gallileo was afraid to say his thoughts he wouldn't have been excommunicated and tried.

12/13/2012 06:10:26 am

I agree that he was not afraid to say anything.

12/13/2012 08:32:28 am

I agree with Avery, If he was afraid of speaking his mind he wouldn't have been in jail for the rest of his life.

12/5/2012 05:58:11 am

This selection is all about Galileo theory about the earth revolving around the sun but the church thought that the sun revolved around us the earth and that it was unmovable and so Galileo was sent to jail

12/6/2012 09:50:47 am

I agree with some of your statements because he did prove that the earth was the center of the universe, but you didn't say why the church was against his theory.

12/5/2012 09:23:36 am

1: This article is about the discoveries that Gaileo made and because he wrote about them he got in trouble with the Roman Catholic Church.
2: No the charges was not warranted because he was trying to show his belief that the earth revolved around the sun. Gaileo didn't do any of that stuff they just wanted him in jail because of how good his paintings were. Gaileo just went with it.

12/5/2012 09:16:04 pm

1 i agree with u because gaileo really did get into trouble with the Roman Catholic Church because of his beliefs.

12/5/2012 09:13:42 pm

1.Gaileo proved that the earth was not at the center of the earth because the other people thought that the earth was in the middle because god created the earth.
2.And Gaileo got in trouble by the Roman Catholic Church because they said that the earth was in the middle of the universe and Gaileo got throne into jail because of Gaileos beliefs.

12/6/2012 09:44:43 am

In this article, I learned that Galileo believed that the Earth revolved around the sun and that the sun was immovable. The Catholic Church disagreed with that theory because they believe that God created us to be the center of attention in the universe. They thought that the universe revolved around humans because God created us through his own image. The Church thought the theory was unbelievably wrong and didn’t even think that someone would even question that humans were that center of the universe. Galileo proved his theory to the church, but they still didn’t believe him. They threw him in jail because they didn’t like being wrong. The church was philosophically wrong and had no right to throw him in jail for no legitimate reason at all.

12/11/2012 06:02:07 am

I strongly agree with your answers because I was having the same thoughts!

12/12/2012 11:47:50 pm

I agree with you.Like I said,Galileo had proved his theory so it really wasnt fair that he was under house arrest.nice work!

12/13/2012 08:36:39 am

I agree with your answers strongly. I was thinking of the same reasoning as yours. Nice response.

12/13/2012 10:22:48 am

I agree with everything you said completely!!

12/10/2012 11:50:40 pm

In this article,Galileo ws declaring that the Sun was the center of the universe and not the Earth.The church beleived that the earth was the center of the universe,so when Galileo said that the Sun was the center....the church opossed.Since the church didnt beleive Galileo,Galileo showed the church his theory but the church brought himto jail.I think that the church had no rights to throw Galileo to jail because if Galileo had showed the church his theory,then Galileo was more right than the church.

12/11/2012 06:05:52 am

I agree

12/11/2012 10:02:08 am

I agree with yours completely and it is very well written and easy to understand

Elvington 12/11
12/11/2012 12:43:14 am

Good job, overall! Keep asking yourself if what Galileo said and did was equal to the punishment he received.

12/11/2012 04:33:28 am

1. I would go with galieo because he has studied astronomy and he used his tools he had to see that his evidence is true, so he had prooof. Also because i like to be rebellouis and go along with the people that go against what people thik no matter what.

12/11/2012 05:57:00 am

In this passage it is basically talking about how the Catholic church thought that the earth was the center of the universe because humans were made first from God image and put on earth first. They also believed that the sun was immovable. According to Galielo that wasn't right and he had proof that the earth wasn't the center of the universe and that it actually revolved from testing it out with his mathmatical formulas and just regular experiences. Then after they saw that he had publisized his theory about it they threw him into jail. I find that wasn't right at all because whatever they thougt it didnt matter because they didn't have proof and if they did it would was false because in the bible or not in anyway way they can prove that just because God made humans from his own image that he put is in the center of the universe. At least they could have gave Galileo a chance to prove himself ad not be selfish about their opinions and not let other people express their opinions because if they were here today their opinion would have proven wrong by everyone who agrees!

12/11/2012 08:06:02 am

I really agree with and espeasly on the part where you said that when the through him in jail it wasn't right i think the same way too.!

12/11/2012 08:04:07 am

1) In the passage Galilieo is talking about how he belives that earth revolved around the sun. He also belived that the earth is immovable. The roman catholic church believed that god made us on his image that is why we should be the center of the universe. The roman catholic church said that Galilio's ideas were wrong but they were really true. The roman catholic church was mad because of what Galilieo belived so they threw him in jail.

Brynetra Chavis evl. 6
12/11/2012 08:07:15 am

This passage is talking about how the catholic belived the humans were created in the form of god and put on earth and they belived that the sun did not move but galileo proved them wrong and the the earth revoled around the sun and he proved it with his mathmatical formulas after they saw that he publisized his theory they put him in jail. I dont think that their theory matters because they could not prove it and if they did it would not be right. just because they think god put us in his image dose mean he put the earth in the middle of the universe. I think they should have gave galileo a chance to prove his work.

12/11/2012 08:55:49 am

This passage is mainly about how Galiloes belief about the Earth not being the center of the universe, instead the sun is the center of the universe( today we now that the sun is not the center of the universe ), when Galileo said those thing about the universe the Church got mad sentenced him to house arest for the arrest for the rest of his life, the Church forgave him just a few years ago. Even though Galileo was right he had to say that he was lying so he wouldnt get in as much troubble then he was. Catholic thought since he made us in his image that we would be the center of the universe, but Galileo said that are planet isnt that important to any other planet that all the planets are equaly important( Mrs.Elvington also said that are planet is a little more important because are planet is the only planet we can live on today).

12/13/2012 12:21:27 am

i agree with this passage because it talks about how Galileo had been throne to jail because Galileo said that the earth revolves around the sun.

12/13/2012 10:23:40 am

I did that article too, and I agree with what you said.

12/11/2012 10:00:32 am

This article is very interesting. It kind of shows how close-minded the Roman Catholic Church was during this time by stating that because Gallileo had different ideas and they weren't in scripture, he needed to be excommunicated. I feel like it isn't right to hate and condemn someone to house arrest and be tried and admit to everyone he was wrong, even though he wasn't, isn't fair and is by all means wrong. If the Roman Catholic Church would have taken the time to research and study like Gallileo and Copernicus and many other scientists did they would come to find out that they were wrong, not Gallileo.

12/12/2012 11:45:11 pm

I strongly agree with you answers and i liked how you used words and evidence to prove you statement.

12/11/2012 11:51:09 pm

1.I would have supported the church over Galileo. For hundreds of years it is said that the Earth is the center of te universe and even the church backs that idea up, so that being said I would not have backed up Galileo because his idea is so new and it not has been proven by the church. The church's theory has been around so long and the church says so... so I would back the church.

Elvington 10/13/12
12/12/2012 11:54:24 pm

This is a very interesting perspective. If you could have given evidence that the church would have used, it would have added something to your response.

12/13/2012 12:12:23 am

1. its messed up that galileo had to be on house arest just for saying something that was true the church was wrong for doing that to him he could have figured out moor stuff if he hadent of died.
2. the people just wanted him in jail because the church thaught that he would make it where thay would lose alot of people for the church.

12/13/2012 12:24:23 am

He believed that the everything revolved around the sun an that the sun was immovable and that we didnt like the chuches.

12/13/2012 04:50:37 am

This article is very informing and interesting to me. I would like to learn a little bit more but I can't even remember what happened in the article 2 seconds after I read it. I am so confused too because of all the big words it has in it. I had to look up almost 5 words in a dictionary because I didn't know what they meant.

12/13/2012 06:02:06 am

It is hard to believe that Galileo got in trouble with the Roman church because he said that the sun did not move but that the earth did. Even though there was scriptures said one thing and he believed another. Also that he got in trouble for teaching this to other people.

12/13/2012 08:10:16 am

I find this selection very rude in Galileo's perspective. The Roman Catholic Church didn't like Galileo because he proved and said of Copernicus' theory how the sun revolved around earth. The Roman Catholic Church thought they were the center of attention and if their people listened to Galileo and Copernicus then they'll leave the church. Galileo never gave up because he knew what he said was true. The Roman Catholic Church put Galileo in house arrest so people would stop listening to him and so the church would be back in the center of attention. Once Galileo died, people began to know he was right as time went by, and that's how we are where we are now, if it wasn't for Copernicus' theory and Galileo proving his theory to the rest of the world.

12/13/2012 09:26:09 am

Sorry. I meant how the earth revolved around the sun.

12/13/2012 10:24:34 am

I agree with what you say, I had the same thoughts about the article!

12/13/2012 08:28:14 am

This article just proves how ignorant the Roman Catholic Church against as to ideas that were diffident from what was written in the Scriptures. This was unfair and unjust, but i guess back then it was a major crime to even say something ill of the church. The fact is he spent the rest of his life being told his ideas were bad that he worked hard for were fake and absurd. If they even tired to see if he was right then they would have seen he was right. I think what he did wasn't deserving of what he got as punishment. He did say something against the church and at the time it was bad but not that harshly treatment was needed.

12/13/2012 10:21:50 am

In my article, I learned that Galileo said that the sun was immovable and the planets revolved around the sun. The catholic church disliked the theory because God created man in his own image. So we should be the greatest thing in the universe, so everything should revolve around Earth. He showed the catholic church what he believed in He even proved his theory. However, he was put on house arrest for a long time. I think that it was wrong for them to do that.

Xavier S.
12/18/2012 07:33:32 am

if i had to create a government it would wok like u dont do stupid stuff unless ur stupid and thats what it would be.

12/19/2012 05:20:25 am

i like it i agrre to

6/22/2015 05:59:56 am

I like this article so far; I didn't read the whole thing.


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