I.  Activating Prior Knowledge
What is an epidemic? How does an epidemic impact the lives of the people who are ill and the people who survive?

II.  Setting A Purpose for Reading
The Black Plague struck terror in the hearts of all people during the Middle Ages. As you read, take note of the symptoms of the Bubonic Plague. How would you have reacted if a member of your family would have started showing these symptoms?

III.  Reading the Text (Read, Re-Read, and Read Again)

Giovanni Boccaccio, Italian writer from Florence wrote this description of the plague in an introduction to The Decameron.

The Signs of Impending Death

"The symptoms were not the same as in the East, where a gush of blood from the nose was the plain sign of inevitable death; but it began both in men and women with certain swellings in the groin or under the armpit. They grew to the size of a small apple or an egg, more or less, and were vulgarly called tumours. In a short space of time these tumours spread from the two parts named all over the body.

STOP! Can you answer this question? If not, go back and re-read the passage.
What were the signs of the Bubonic Plague? How long did it take for it to spread?

Soon after this the symptoms changed and black or purple spots appeared on the arms or thighs or any other part of the body, sometimes a few large ones, sometimes many little ones. These spots were a certain sign of death, just as the original tumour had been and still remained. No doctor's advice, no medicine could overcome or alleviate this disease, An enormous number of ignorant men and women set up as doctors in addition to those who were trained. Either the disease was such that no treatment was possible or the doctors were so ignorant that they did not know what caused it, and consequently could not administer the proper remedy.

STOP! Can you answer this questions? If not, go back and re-read the passage.
Why did doctor's have difficulty treating the Black Plague?

In any case very few recovered; most people died within about three days of the appearance of the tumours described above, most of them without any fever or other symptoms.

Source:  http://www.historywiz.com/primarysources/blackdeath.html

IV.  Personal Reflection
– Respond to the following questions in your blog. Be sure to include a quote from the text to support your response.

Part 1 - Response:  What evidence in the text best illustrates the impact of the Black Plague?

Part 2 - Response: How did the Black Plague affect life throughout Europe and the Middle East? What problems might have arose for the people who survived?

V. Peer Reflection - Read three classmates’ response and respond to what they have written.

9/26/2012 09:22:36 am

Part 1- listing symptoms after had.

Part 2- A widespread of death and evil.

10/2/2012 05:15:20 am

yes #1 is right but i think that you should of wrote a little more.

10/2/2012 05:55:35 am

Can you put more details and you need to write more things down so i can understand better and why are they so short and you also need to show more evidence.

10/3/2012 05:06:17 am

i disagree on 2

10/3/2012 05:24:56 am

I disagree with boh answers because it didn't say anything about either answers you put and didn't say anything about evilness. I think you need to go bak and read the text over again and redo your answers because i have know clue what you are trying to say. I would also put a lot more evidence and details.

10/4/2012 01:12:30 am

I think you should have put more details in both your answers because then people would have understood it much more better like me.

10/4/2012 01:15:38 am

I dont understand your answers

10/4/2012 05:25:21 am

i disagree both u didnt support ur answers

10/4/2012 09:06:42 am

I think you should add a little bit more information if you want a good grade

10/4/2012 09:21:50 am

your answers are way to short i agree with you but a little more writing?

10/4/2012 09:27:23 am

i think you sould write more or you ll get a bad grade

10/9/2012 09:02:05 am

I think I know what you're trying to say but you have short answers and I can't really tell a lot about them if it's that short.

9/26/2012 09:23:42 am

Had no comments to respond to

10/2/2012 06:11:25 am

you could have responded to someones answer

richard elv3b
9/27/2012 05:26:34 am

it tells how it happened and what would happen to you when you got it ex. gushes of blood through the noise.....2 it made people become fake doctors to try to make a cure for it but they were to ignorit

10/2/2012 07:38:29 am

I agree about #1 of the gushes of blood through the noise but you need to add more and explain how or why you think so.

Mrs. Elvington 10/4
10/3/2012 09:34:32 pm

You are not following the directions for the homework. You did not respond to all parts of the prompt.

10/1/2012 04:56:22 am

What evidence in the text best illustrates the impact of the Black Plague? The Listing of symptoms in Passage number 1

How did the Black Plague affect life throughout Europe and the Middle East? What problems might have arose for the people who survived?

First of all it affected it a lot because the Plague spread through Europe and Middle east because people where dying and there would be less and less people and that means that the population would drop and until there was nobody left but some people survived but it would be hard for them because there crops wouldn't grrow

10/3/2012 05:29:37 am

You didn't reply to your Part 1 and I agree with your Part 2 answer because there wasn't a lot of survived/living people and it would be hard for them to get back on their feet and sort of start over again after it is all over.

Mrs. Elvington 10/4
10/3/2012 09:36:47 pm

Your answer to the first question is unacceptable. You need to cite the text that you are using as support.

10/1/2012 05:56:16 am

Part1: The evidence that best describes the black plague is"The symptoms were not the same as in the East, where a gush of blood from the nose was the plain sign of inevitable death",that means the black plague is involved with death and killing people. The symptoms changed and black or purple spots appeared on the arms or thighs or any other part of the body. These spots were a certain sign of death. The spots would give you a disease, if you had the spots you would get the disease.

Part 2: The black plague affected life through out Europe and the middle east because the the disease was spearing all over Europe and the middle east ,also the spots were spearing to because there were no doctor's notice and no medicine for anyone to use. That's how the disease started. Just because there were no doctors and no medicine.

10/4/2012 09:37:15 am

i agree whith 1 i got about the samw thing

10/1/2012 06:01:01 am

Part 2 (continued) The problems that people were trying to survive is there is no doctor to check whats wrong and the medicine wasn't there for anyone to get well.If I was living in that world i would've stayed alive for a short amount of time because I'm a child and everyone else in that world lived longer than me of course.

10/2/2012 06:13:11 am

i like your answer

10/1/2012 07:05:29 am

Part 1-evidence in the text illustrates the impact of the black plague by showing that people would die in 3 days,etc.
Part 2-The plague affected people in europe and other places by people dying from the plague,etc.

Mrs. Elvington 10/4
10/3/2012 10:04:13 pm

Make sure that you are following the directions.

Faith.a.elv 3
10/1/2012 08:56:09 am

Part 1: The evidence that supports how they got the Black Plague is, men and women that had swelling in specific places started to get tumours. These lead to getting bruise like spots on the arms and thighs. If you got these spots it was very possible you were going to die. Doctors didn't have the medians needed for the disease, and some were so stupid they didn't know what caused it. If you had blood coming from your nose it was just an obvious sign you had the plague.

Part 2: Some of the problems that struk Europe were, if half of the army men died from the disease then the army would weaken and they couldn't fight good. If doctors didn't have the medians for the people then if they got it they would die to (possibly) and then no doctors would be around. If there was little men and women they would have a hard time to reproduce. There could be less merchants so people had less goods and no crops to farm. It would be very hard to recolonize because you would probably have to move with your enemy and they could kill you. The government was weak, they didn't have a good government they didn't have a good social system they didn't have these things, things started to fall apart.

Mrs. Elvington 10/4
10/3/2012 10:05:15 pm

Excellent responses!

kyle huneycutt
10/4/2012 05:05:25 am

i agree.

10/4/2012 09:07:40 am

very good faith very good

10/4/2012 09:22:52 am

i strongly agree with you on both .

10/4/2012 09:25:57 am

i agree with number2 becase uou said hings started to fall apart.

10/11/2012 11:21:16 am

I agree with your part one because i read that also

10/1/2012 10:54:41 am

Part 1 - Response: This question is clearly asking me about the evidence in the test that illustrates the impact of the Black Plague. I found 2 things, both illustrates the Black Plague. The first thing I found is in the first paragraph, it says that, "The symptoms were not the same as in the East, where a gush of blood from the nose was the plain sign of inevitable death." The second thing I found in paragraph two says, "Soon after this the symptoms changed and black or purple spots appeared on the arms or thighs or any other part of the body, sometimes a few large ones, sometimes many small ones." It also says that the spots pointed to certain signs of death. These quotes is telling you what will appear on you and what they mean, this impacts because there were no medicines, a big number of people trying to be a doctor, even though they didnt have a clue of what they were doing, and they probally got sick trying to help. Which lead to no treatments done at the time, and people got even more sick and eventually died.

Part 2 - Response: This question is asking how did the Black Plague affected life throughout Europe and the Middle East. The Black Death disease affected Europe and the Middle East because as men and women were dying, crops didnt grow as much and some people lost loved ones were too devasted/depressed to make the population go up by having kids and growing crops. This affected because no food equals starving, where people will do almost anything to get something to eat, might even kill for it, I dont know what they did back then.
P.S. Dont mess with starving people :)

10/2/2012 06:14:42 am

i like your P.S. but a little to much info how can i remember that

10/3/2012 05:32:59 am

I agree with both of your answers. I think that you expained everyting the best you could and gave proof of your answer. I don't understand why you put the "P.S." at the end of your Part 2 answer though to say"don't mess with starving people."

Mrs. Elvington
10/3/2012 10:06:45 pm

Excellent responses! Love the PS.

10/4/2012 01:17:36 am

I agree with number one

10/4/2012 10:19:52 am

I agree with both of your answers and I love the details and evidence you included in your responces. Great work!

10/11/2012 11:23:10 am

I agree with your first answer because I also read that.

10/2/2012 01:46:39 am

1. The best evidence that best illustrates the impact of the black plague was the bleeding from the nose,swellings, and tumours. that would grow into big sizes or small ones all over the body or certain spots.
2.the black plague effected the people throughout Europe and the middle east and the people that survived was, the people became scared because so many people had died, and the ones they loved.They didnt want to get the black death, they started to watch out for themselves even though they lived a horrible life.Some problems that happened for the people who survived was that, now that(this is a good reason)the so much people died, the peasants now get more money since people died. The more money they have, the better their life is.

10/2/2012 05:13:32 am

yes i wrote something like that for number one and i agree

10/2/2012 05:58:56 am

I liked # two but can you put more details on #1 because it is shorter and got to be at least 5 sentences. Also you did a great job on #2 because it was longer than #1.

10/3/2012 05:11:54 am

i disagree on both

Mrs. ElvingtonExcellent 10/4
10/3/2012 10:08:58 pm

I was confused about your response to part two. How would the lives of the survivors been impacted? I am not sure I agree with the money part.

Alexis Graham Elv2
10/4/2012 11:49:25 am

I agree with your part one and part two, although not sure about the money part though.

10/2/2012 05:10:48 am

A1: The evidence that i found is that the diese was so bad that people died within three days because there was no cure avliable cause the doctors were ignorant or there was no cure but it was caused by the poor sanitary conditions, at the time

A2: The way this plague afected is that a lot of people died during this time so there waas a strong stench in the air maybe getting people sick of that smell.and the way it affected people that survived was that there was more jobs avalible and the surfs could ask for more money because there was less workers.

10/2/2012 05:51:54 am

I agree with you on both of your answers but they need to be longer and you also need more details remember that the sentences has to be at least five sentences or more.

Alexis Graham Elv2
10/4/2012 11:47:23 am

In your part one I never really thought about it like that. But I like the way that you had stated your answer.

10/2/2012 05:48:40 am

Part 1: The question asked What evidence in the text best illustrates the impact of the Black Plague? I found some evidence in paragraph bleeding from the nose,swellings, and tumours which was the plain sign of inevitable death. I found some more evidence in paragraph 2. After the symptoms changed black or purple spots appeared on the arms or thighs or any other part of the body. The spots are sign of death. They were trying to find out what the spots was.

Part 2: The question asked How did the Black Plague affect life throughout Europe and the Middle East? What problems might have arose for the people who survived? The black plague affected the lifes throughout Europe and the Middle East because a lot of people died because of it. Some people had more things because a lot of people died and maybe some people were sad because some of their love ones died too. For the people who lived they had more jobs and more like freedom. I thinked that the people were maybe tooking others people and money and more things because they had died.

10/3/2012 05:10:11 am

i agree on both

10/2/2012 06:42:38 am

Part 1 - Response: The question was "What evidence in the text best illustrates the impact of the Black Plague?". Judging by the quote "The symptoms were not the same as in the East, where a gush of blood from the nose was the plain sign of inevitable death." It didn't kill many people. In the west they got tumors all over their body.
Part 2 - Response: The questions are "How did the Black Plague affect life throughout Europe and the Middle East? What problems might have arose for the people who survived?". The black plague affected life in the Middle East and Europe by killing parents and leaving kids homeless. For the people who lived it was better for them cause they could get a raise in their job or if they had someone bullying them and they died from this plague it would be good news for them but bad news for the bullies family cause I'm sure they loved him so.

Mrs. Elvington 10/4
10/3/2012 10:15:43 pm

I strongly disagree with your statement that it did not kill many people. It was one of the most devastating epidemics in the world.

10/2/2012 07:30:33 am

Part 1) This question asks me about which impact of the Black Plague in the text best illustrates. I say that in paragragh 1 where it says "where a GUSH of blood from the nose was the plain sign of inevitable death". The reason I said that is because I could realy see someone with the nose full of blood gushing out because, one of my familiy members have nose problems, if someone hits the nose hard it bleeds, if its to hot in a place it starts to bleed, so thats why I said I can realy see someone happening that to. So it is realy easy for me to to see that by the reason that I said earlier right now.

Part 2) This question asks me about how did the Black Plague affect life throughout Europe and the Middle East, and also another question is what problems might have arose for the people that survived. The Black Plague affected life back there by the money that couldn't be gave, the population started to decrease, a lot of germs increased. For the people that survived the problems they had where, that I think, are the lost of money, no more people for work, people are going to suffer the death of there love one, less population. Its also says in the passage that the doctor where very ignorant. also there where no traetments to stop the disease.

10/4/2012 10:23:38 am

I really like your first answer because what you said made sense and although you interpreted the question differently than me I agree with you.

10/2/2012 07:42:29 am

P1. What evidence in the text best illustrates the impact of the black plague? The symptoms were differint in the east. It started with swelling of the groin or under the armpit. Men and woman can get the plage. They will grow to the size of a small apple or egg.

P2.How did the black plague affect life through out Europe and the middle east? What problems might have arose for the people who survived? No medison could overcome the disease. Men and woman dressed up as doctors to try and help. Doctors didn't know what caused the disease.

Mrs. Elvington 10/4
10/3/2012 10:20:04 pm

Your second response did not address the prompt.

10/3/2012 05:19:33 am

The question is asing me which evidence is most likely illustrating the impact the Black Plague had in the text. I found two pieces of evidence in the text. The first paragraph says that the symptoms are different in the east, it says that a gush of blood happens from the nose was the most common symptom of inevintable death. It also say that swelling with happen around the groin and armpit areas. The swelling marks are called tumors. The tuors will grow into a few large tumors or lots of tiny tumors.

Part 2:
This question is asking me to state how the Black Plague affected life troughout Europe and the Middle East and what problems might have arose for the survived/living. One reason the Black Plague affeted life was there was enough jobs and not enough people. We wouldn't have enough peope to be farmers, teachers, doctors/nurses or merchants/traders. If we didn't have enough people we couldn't get the help of others and we couldn't get the goods we needed to survive. I paragraph two it says that random people we helping out trained doctors and didn't know what they were doing. They couldn't find remedies or medicine to help bcause those people probably got sick and died too.

Mrs. Elvington 10/4
10/3/2012 10:28:56 pm

Excellent responses! Loved answer two.

10/4/2012 09:04:31 am

very good and very intresting

10/3/2012 06:48:38 am

Part:1. The evidence that supports this is they started to swell up and get brusies. they also started to get tumors.
Part2: The Black plague affected europe by killing alot of people. That made alot of things go down because there was nothing to tend to it. It affected people who didn't die because they had to worry about getting it. They also had to go with out some of their friends and family.

10/3/2012 07:16:21 am

1.What is the best text that illustrates the impact of the black plague? The best text that illustrates the impact is when it said that after the symptoms came that it would be turned to black or purple spots. It also said that doctors were arrogant or didn't know what to do.

2.What happened to life when the black plague came to europe and the middle east? What were the problems that might have arose for the very few people that survived the black plague? The thing that happened to those places was that so many people became infected to the point that it then became non stop with all the death till it disappeared as mysteriously as it came. The problems were that the soil was so damaged that it was so hard to grow food.

10/3/2012 10:23:35 pm

1. When it said In on the sentence any case very few recovered; most people died within about three days of the appearance of the tumours described above, most of them without any fever or other symptoms. The words symptoms & tumours, died gave the idea of usually what plague's do . 2. Problems they had were they lost crops, people got sick, it spread , plants had famine. It was a social problem. Killing people 1 out of 10. When Famine happened there wasnt enough food to feed people.

10/4/2012 12:58:14 am

Part 1: What best illustrates the impact, was how one person knew that they were going to die. There were no cures and some signs meant certain death. The symptoms of the black plague showed what the disease did to them and what happened after a short period of time. The description of the effects made me picture it, I understand it a little bit better. In the text, it also said it wasn't just a gush of blood from the nose to let them know of their death.

Part 2: Throughout Europe and the Middle East, there was probably extreme panicking. The people that survived, may have been saddened by so many death of their neighbors or loved ones. With the plague, more resources might have been used to try and get someone back into health. This may have left few resources and not as much money, so people would start to do crazy things.

10/4/2012 01:09:02 am

I agree with you on number one and number two.
I agree with you on number one because you gave almost all of the reasons how they knew when somebody was sick and what also were the symptoms.
I also agree on you with number two because people would have been saddened because of thier los ones and you also explained how they wold have money loss

10/4/2012 01:19:49 am

I agree with both answers

10/4/2012 01:02:56 am

1.) What text best illustrates the black death?
The text that best illustrated the black death in my mind was when it said that "most people died within three days of the appearence of the tumours". Another one of the text was when it sais that after the symptoms came black or purple spots wold apear on their thighs or arms.

2.) What happened to peoples life during and after the black death in Europe?
What I think might have happened during the black death is that many people lost thier lives and after the black death people would have been sad because of the family members thay had lost. Also during the black death, crops problably didn't grow much and that men financial and social problems because farmers wouldn't have money and some people wouldn't have food and they would also starve to death.

10/11/2012 11:24:53 am

I agree with your first answer I read that too.

10/4/2012 01:12:07 am

P1: What evidence in the text best illustrates the impact of the Black Plague? In the second paragraph it says ''These signs were a sign of death'', which means if you got those spots you were going to die. This to me had a huge impact on people because people would see their spots and know they may or will die. P1.How did the Black plague affect life throughout Europe and the Middle East? What problems might arose for the people who survived? The impact the Plague brought to people is that this thing is very dangerous and contagious so people probaly stoped being as social as they were.For the people who survived had to deal with the lose of their love ones. So even if you didnt die you still were very hurt by the lose of people.

10/4/2012 01:14:51 am

the second P1 is suppose to be P2

10/4/2012 01:17:15 am

I agree with you on both number on and number two.
I agree with you on number one because you wrote how they knew they would die or could die.
I agree with you on number two because I wrot the exact same thing on how they would be sad on how they lost their loved ones.

10/4/2012 09:20:48 am

i agree with you on both your answers.

10/4/2012 01:53:27 am

Part 1.What evidence in the text best illustrates the impact of the black plague? The Evidence is that if gushes of blood come out of their nose then that was a sign of death. Also men and women with certain swellings in the groin or under the armpits. Tumours were very horrible they grew to the size of either a small apple or an egg. The tumours began to spread really quickly, not even for a long time. They affected the boys by spreading over 2 parts. When the symptoms changed and black or purple spots appeared on the arms or thighs or any part of the body, it was a sign of death.

Part 2.How did the Black Plague affect life throughout Europe and the Middle East? What problems might have arose for the people who survived? It affected pretty bad. People got sick, well actually a lot of people got sick. Some were dying and some were just ill. There wasn’t any medicine no doctors could at all. Nothing could stop the disease, But then it got ok because an enormous number of ignorant men and women set up as doctors. If they survive though this deadly disease it won’t be good or it might be good. Either they move to another town/city to try to get better. Or it might be bad because if they go to another town they might spread it to that town also,but also it might be good cause if the disease stops. And the sewer system begins to work again all they have to do is clean up the town and take care of the sick ones.

10/4/2012 10:31:17 am

I agree with your first answer but your second answer doesnt really make sense because you said it was fixed because of the ignorant doctors. Do you realize that ignorant means stupid and unintelligent?

xavier sloan
10/11/2012 08:27:42 am

yea and if u were a doct if u were most people would bt be ignorantor u coulde dead

10/4/2012 06:31:15 am

Part 1: The text that best illustrates the impact of the Black Plague is: "black or purple spots appeared on the arms or thighs or any other part of the body, sometimes a few large ones, sometimes many little ones." I think that this text best illustrates the impact of the Black Plague because, it talks about the color and size of the spots that appear on the arms and thighs.

Part 2: Well, the Black Plague affected life throughout Europe and the Middle East by, causing a lot of people to die and if people die then that means less people grow crops. The less crops you grow then the more people die of starvation. When people are starving they will do ANYTHING for food. I think that the people who survived or lived through the Black Plague suffered a lot because they lost many of their lost ones. I also think that they suffered because of the little food and that they were starving.

10/4/2012 08:36:14 am

Part 1: The best evidence of the plagues effect of the black page is in the second paragragh. The paragraph talks about the syntoms of the plague and tells that if you experience the syntoms you will most likely die.

Part 2: The black plague effected life in the middle east by killing many peaple. The black plague also effects the middle east by leaving dead bodies, muck, and disease everywhere.

10/4/2012 08:39:39 am

Part 1: The evidence in the text best illustrates the impact of the Black Plague are the following. In paragraph 2 it says "Soon after this the symptoms changed and black or purple spots appeared on the arms or thighs or any other part of the body, sometimes a few large ones, sometimes many little ones. These spots were a certain sign of death, just as the original tumour had been and still remained. No doctor's advice, no medicine could overcome or alleviate this disease, An enormous number of ignorant men and women set up as doctors in addition to those who were trained. Either the disease was such that no treatment was possible or the doctors were so ignorant that they did not know what caused it, and consequently could not administer the proper remedy. " It basically says once you get the sickness you're done for ,no cure its just death. That impacted a lot on the people. I believe that is the evidence in the text best that illustrates the impact of the Black Plague.
Part 2: The Black Plague affected life throughout Europe and the Middle East by leaving them scared and scarred. i mean thousands of people died. people you knew and people you didn't. in the passage it says "These spots were a certain sign of death" how would you feel if they said " we cant do anything to help you, you are just going to have to die". The problems that have arose for the people who survived are that people might be like " way did you survived and my friend didn't. Also the fact of getting the sickness again. the fear will always be there.

10/4/2012 09:00:18 am

"In any case very few recovered; most people died within about three days of the appearance of the tumors described above, most of them without any fever or other symptoms." As you can tell this disease caused not only a physical impact but also an emotional impact on the society. Physically by just the bumps and the tumors on the body that were killing quickly. Emotionally because the majority of the people that were killed died with no warning. Do you know what kind of impact that would have?

part 2- The survivors would be affected in a major way. Most of the governments money most likley went to finding cures for the black death. That means the taxes went sky high for the survivors. Also with no one working meant that there were a lot of jobs to be filled in. Not to mention it would get very lonley there.

10/4/2012 09:13:25 am

What evidence in the text best illustrates the impact of the Black Plague?it said symptoms were diffident like East, people where a gush of blood from the nose was the plain sign of inevitable death.
But the began both in men and women with certain swellings in the groin or under the armpit. They grew to the size of a small penny or nickle.spots were called tumors. In a short space of time these tumors spread from everywhere .in phaghap 1 i found my info

How did the Black Plague affect life throughout Europe and the Middle East? What problems might have arose for the people who survived?mostly people died whit in about three days but some lived. well id think they would have alto of jobs because people died and people have to fill them in and also they would have less problems .

10/4/2012 09:19:46 am

part 1: The evidence in the text that best illustrates the impact of the Black Plague is when they got the diseases like a tumour or purple spots all over their body, they often were symptoms of death and they couldn't do anything about it because we hadn't developed a remedy or a cure for that.

part 2: The Black Plague affected life throughout Europe and the Middle East because people who were already infected tried to get away from the Plague which was in the town where they were in so they left taking the disease with them and infecting more people. This was bad for survivors because they had to make sure they cleaned up any bad mess or any dead body that was close to them so that they wouldn't get infected either.

10/4/2012 09:38:47 am

(Part 1 Respnse) The evidence in this story that bst illustrates the impact of the black plague was in the first paragraph. In the first paragraph it said that when you had black or purple in your thighs or othe body parts,also when you had a type of bump around the size of a egg in your arpits. If you had these spots or bumps it was a certain death for you. Doctors were very ignorant and they didn't know what to do. No one knew what to do so people just died and there was nothing to do.

(Part 2 Response) The black plague affected the life throught Europe and Middle East. It affected it because more and more people were dieing and getting sick. Because of this their populaton decrease. Some problems that people who survived probaly had were that they probaly stayed sick but not as bad. They might just have also just stayed sick and then died later on. The other problem they might have is not have people around because they were all dieing, or there was no community so they didn't have people to rely on and to help eachother.

10/4/2012 10:16:04 am

Part One: There is evidence in the text that illustrates the impact of the Black Plague. The main idea or thing this text was trying to illustrate is that when you got this disease your death was impending. The impact of the Black Death was that more and more people got it so more and more people were dying which caused a huge drop in the population. Evidence that supports my answer is in the second paragraph where it says "These spots were a certain sign of death, just as the original tumour had been and still remained. No doctor's advice, no medicine could overcome or alleviate this disease." Like the quote said, if you get this disease your death is impending, which is what the text was trying to illustrate.

Part Two: The Black Plague didn't just effect Europe, it also effected the Middle East. It effected Europe because at least one third of Europe was dead or dying because of the Black Death. It effected the Middle East because the Black Plague started to break out right after the fall of Rome because the Roman's sewer systems got backed up and people were living in filth, since the Roman Empire had collapsed the People of the Middle East thought this was prime time to invade and gain land, but, instead of gaining land they contracted the disease and took it home with them. Survivors life wouldn't be that great either because if everyone around them had died life would be hard and there weren't enough people to keep the government and society running smoothly because of the significant drop in population. Evidence of this is in the first paragraph "The symptoms were not the same as in the East, where a gush of blood from the nose was the plain sign of inevitable death; but it began both in men and women with certain swellings in the groin or under the armpit. They grew to the size of a small apple or an egg, more or less, and were vulgarly called tumours. In a short space of time these tumours spread from the two parts named all over the body." This proves that East was effected just as much as Europe.

Alexis Graham Elv2
10/4/2012 11:45:36 am

I agree with everything you said and I love how long your answers are.

Alexis. Gra.Elv.2
10/4/2012 11:44:13 am

1.) The evidence in the text proves to me that the plague had a big impact on everyone's lives. It had a big impact because when people caught the disease it would spread rapidly. People in that time period lived in very poor conditions. They would throw their own waste out the windows. People had to live like that! I think that is why the disease spread so fast.
2.) The problems for people who did survive was that their health was probably poor. The food supply was going to be low. There was a lot less people there to tend to the community and to run things. Living was made very difficult. People were still living in the same conditions as before.

Mrs. Elvington 10/5 - No More Posts, Please
10/5/2012 03:39:32 am

Submit your responses in writing to your teacher.

10/11/2012 09:50:44 am

Part 1 :The symptoms and the effects that the plague caused show that the plague was really big and fatal.Like the tumors in the groin and the arm pit area.Plus the black spots they got before they died.

Part 2 :I think that the black plague scared the survivor's because they might have thought it would come back and they would die.

10/11/2012 11:16:24 am

Part one- The evidence to show the impact of the black plague is in paragraph two where it says "soon after this the symptoms changed and black or purple spots appeared on the arms or thighs or any other part of the body.
Part two-The black plague affected lives throughout Europe and the middle east by where it says in paragraph one that "a gush of blood from the nose was the plain sign of inevitable death. The problems for the people who survived are dying within three days.

10/12/2012 01:52:57 am

1. In the text it says, "black or purple spots appeared on the arms or thighs or any other part of the body, sometimes a few large ones, sometimes many little ones. "This eplains it the best because its telling you what it looks like and how big they look.
2.The problem the effected the middle east was that the population went down and this sickness spead very fast.


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