I.  Activating Prior Knowledge

Review the presentation. On a sheet of notebook paper, jot down what you know about religion during the Byzantine Empire. Who was Justinian? Why was he important?

II.  Setting a Purpose for Reading

Justinian considered the emperor the head of the church and did not support an independent church. As you read, look for evidence that supports Justinian's belief that the emperor should be head of the church.

III.  Reading the Text (Read,Re-Read, and Read Again)

If for the general welfare, We have taken measures to render the civil laws more effective, with whose execution, God, through His good will towards men, has entrusted Us, bow much more reason is there not for Us to compel the observance of the sacred canons (teachings), and Divine Laws, which have been promulgated for the safety of Our souls? For those who observe the sacred canons become worthy of the assistance of Our Lord God, while those who disobey them render themselves liable to be punished by Him. Therefore, the most holy bishops who are charged with the enforcement of these laws are liable to severe penalties when they allow any breaches of them to remain unpunished. And, indeed, as the sacred canons have not been, up to this time, strictly observed, various complaints have been made to Us of clerks, monks, and certain bishops, on the ground that they do not live in accordance with the divine canons; and indeed there are even some among them who are either ignorant of, or do not perform the holy service of the mass, or of the ceremony of baptism.

STOP! - Can you answer these question? IF NOT, go back and re-read the passage.
Who was responsible for enforcing the laws of the church? What was/were the consequences for failure to enforce the laws of the church?

Therefore We, conceding the authority of the sacred canons, do promulgate the present law, by which We decree that every time it may be necessary to consecrate a bishop in any city, the clergy and principal citizens of the said city shall assemble, and issue proclamations by which they nominate three persons, and then make oath on the Holy Gospels, in conformity with the Scriptures. This oath, inserted in the proclamations, shall be worded as follows: “That they did not select the three persons whom they have nominated in consideration of any gifts or promises made to them; nor through friendship, nor induced by any affection whatsoever, but for the reason that they knew that the candidates whom they have chosen are steadfast in the Catholic Faith, and of honorable life; that they have passed the age of thirty years, and have neither wives nor children; and that they have had neither concubines nor natural children, nor have any at present; and if any of them formerly had a wife, be had but one, and she was neither a widow, nor separated from her husband, and that his marriage with her was not prohibited, either by the sacred canons, or by secular laws; that neither of the three candidates is charged with the duties of any public office. . . .

STOP! - Can you answer these questions? IF NOT, go back and re-read the passage.
How is a bishop chosen? List three of the criteria that a candidate for bishop must meet to be ordained in the Catholic Church.

We order all bishops and priests to repeat the divine service and the prayer, when baptism is performed, not in an undertone, but in a loud voice which can be beard by the faithful people, in such a way that the minds of the listeners may be induced to manifest greater devotion, and a higher appreciation of the praises and blessings of God. . . . We notify all ecclesiastics that if they should violate any of these provisions, they must render an account of their conduct on the terrible judgment Day of Our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ; and that We, when informed of these matters, shall not disregard them, and leave them unpunished.

STOP! - Can you answer this questions? IF NOT, go back and re-read the passage.
How are religious services to be conducted?

We also order that if the Governors of provinces should ascertain that any of the rules which We have promulgated are not observed, they shall first compel the metropolitans and other bishops to call the synods together, and do what We have just prescribed; and when the bishops do not immediately obey, the Governors must notify Us of the fact, in order to enable Us to promptly punish those who refuse to convoke the synods; and We hereby warn the Governors, as well as their courts, that if they do not see that what We have decreed is executed, they shall be put to death.

STOP! - Can you answer these questions? IF NOT, go back and re-read the passage.
What is the punishment for failure to adhere to the rules of church ritual? Why do you think the punishment was so extreme?

From Justinian, Novella, CXXXVII, translated by S.P. Scott in The Civil Law (Cincinnati, Ohio: 1932), Vol. XVII, pp. 152-156. Reprinted in Leon Bernard and Theodore B. Hodges, eds. Readings in European History, (New York: Macmillan, 1958), 57-58.

This text is part of the
Internet Medieval Source Book. The Sourcebook is a collection of public domain and copy-permitted texts related to medieval and Byzantine history.

Unless otherwise indicated the specific electronic form of the document is copyright. Permission is granted for electronic copying, distribution in print form for educational purposes and personal use. If you do reduplicate the document, indicate the source. No permission is granted for commercial use.

© Paul Halsall June 1997
[email protected]

IV. Personal Reflection – Respond to the following question in your blog. Be sure to include a quote from the text to support your response.

Part 1 - Response:  What evidence supports Justinian's belief that the emperor should be head of the church?
Part 2 - Response:  Do you feel that Justinian's laws are too extreme? Explain your reasoning.

V. Peer Reflection - Read three classmates’ response and respond to what they have written. 

9/10/2012 05:09:33 am

P1. the citicins will listen to him.
P2. no,because if some one didn't listen to him hed kill him.

9/12/2012 04:55:39 am

i agree with you if thay do not lison thay will be killed

9/12/2012 05:24:43 am

I disagree because i think killing someone for breaking a law would be harsh unless they broke a real important law like killing someone else. they could be punished for breaking a law not killed

9/13/2012 02:50:15 am

i agree

9/13/2012 06:36:32 am

I agree with you because killing people is wronq

9/13/2012 06:52:04 am

I agree with you because death is too harsh for not following his religion. But yeah it makes since if they murdered a whole family they should be killed but having a different religion no.

9/13/2012 10:49:44 am

i totally agree

9/26/2012 09:18:26 am

i disagree i dont think someone should be killed for disobeying the law mabye punished with jail or 5years or more depending on the crime and if u feel the need to kill them instead of doing it with your bare hands or expirencing the death just let them rot in the jail cell until death that way you dont feel completely guilty (i hope)

9/13/2012 04:35:55 am

Me to I thought kind of the same thing

9/22/2012 04:32:33 am

i totally agree with everything you have stated!!!

Breanna Kelly
9/13/2012 04:37:25 am

I agree witht hat

NoahLinton.wease.3rd period
9/13/2012 05:06:24 am

I agree with you

9/13/2012 07:49:21 am

i agree with you if they do not listen thay will be killed.

9/13/2012 08:03:29 am

i agree with them both

9/13/2012 08:04:01 am

I agree with your part 1

9/13/2012 10:36:55 am

I agree but you didn't get enough information to support your answer,because all you say is he killed people if they didn't listen to them.

9/13/2012 11:34:01 am

I totally 100% agree with you because killing someone is completely wrong to do

jose wease 3
10/1/2012 06:32:07 am

It is very wrong to do that

9/16/2012 03:39:07 am

I think you should have added some more detail to your answers because they are not welll explained at all watsoever!

9/17/2012 07:52:48 am

yeah i agree with you

9/17/2012 07:53:55 am

yeah because kids need to listen and no because they dont need to kill him

9/22/2012 04:31:28 am

i dont agree the laws are too extreme and you agree with them?

9/25/2012 07:36:45 am

I agree with your 1st answer because the preist gave the blessings and preachings.
I agree with your 2nd answer because if they violate the laws they would have a judgement day( the emporer would choose to live or die )

9/26/2012 09:13:14 am


9/10/2012 07:23:49 am

Part 1: He thinks an emperor should role the church because people would listen to them better and respect him.

Part 2: Yes because someone doesn't listen the first time doesn't mean they should be killed for it they should just have a punishment for it.

9/12/2012 04:57:45 am

i agree with you because i put the same thing he would have people lison to them better

kyle huneycutt elv 3p
9/12/2012 05:22:39 am

I aree because he did not support independent churchs.

9/12/2012 05:23:31 am

i agree with you that they should come out and listen to him and they will repect him better

9/12/2012 05:46:13 am

I like how you said thatthey should repect their emperor and not be killed for teir punishments

9/12/2012 06:43:27 am

I agree with your number2 because just because a person does not obey the rules does not mean you can kill them, you can punish them but not kill them.

9/13/2012 06:52:50 am

I agree with you because punishment is better than murder

9/22/2012 04:34:53 am

Punishment would be better than killing them its so cruel just because they worshipped a different religion

9/12/2012 10:13:11 am

i disagree on part2 cause if no one listens to him they wouldent do any thing

9/13/2012 04:35:28 am

I really agree with you

NoahLinton.wease.3rd period
9/13/2012 05:07:56 am

I agree with your part 1

9/13/2012 07:50:50 am

I agree with because he did not support the independent churchs.

9/13/2012 08:04:58 am

i agree with 2 but not with one

9/13/2012 09:41:45 am

i agree on part one because people wouldn't listen to the other guy but the empire will be respected more and people would listen so they wouldn't get on his bad side

ryanokelly.wease 3rd period
9/13/2012 10:34:09 am

i agree with both of your answers

9/13/2012 10:41:13 am

I also agree because I think it isn't fair to them if they mess up the first time it doesn't mean they got to be killed right away.

Avery Lowder
9/13/2012 11:19:40 am

I agree with 1 and 2

9/13/2012 11:37:08 am

I agree with you on the killing part it's just wrong to like take someone's life just because that person messed up i mean like send them to jail or something instead of taking their life.

9/13/2012 12:30:40 pm

I really like how you worded that.

9/16/2012 03:37:52 am

I agree with both parts of your answers because i had the same thoughts.

9/25/2012 07:44:43 am

i disagree because no one likes the emporer, his rules were to harsh and no liked his way he ruled his empire.

9/10/2013 10:13:21 am

I think you are 100% right.

9/10/2012 07:57:39 am

Part 1:Justinian believe that the emporor of tha church is because that they emporor rules tha church and other stuff.

Part 2: I really dont know because if he didnt have them rules to extreme people would done been killed and yea because if he didnt have rules that is extreme people would done been killed. so thats why i dont know. its tough

9/12/2012 05:26:51 am

I say it would be to harsh to kill someone for breaking a rule, they should be punished not killed

9/13/2012 06:51:49 am

I agree with you because i did part two an i believe that killing is wrong

9/13/2012 07:56:16 am

I agree i do not think God would want people to be killed for breaking a law unless it was super bad.

ryanokelly.wease 3rd period
9/13/2012 10:32:30 am

i agree with your first answer.

9/13/2012 10:51:52 am

did not really understand your answers

9/13/2012 12:33:01 pm

I agree with what you said in both paragraphs.

9/16/2012 03:46:22 am

In part 1 what do you mean by other stuff because there is not that much stuff he wanted but their attention and respect basically!

9/11/2012 11:10:40 am

1. Justinian thought that the emperor should rule the church because in the first paragraph, he says that an amount of bishops tend to not follow the sacred laws.
2. Justinian's laws do seem extreme because death is not really worth the crimes he listed in the article. But, they did have different rules and regulations than us today.

9/12/2012 04:59:55 am

i agree with you thay had many difficult laws you had to obay

9/12/2012 05:22:14 am

I agree, i don't think God would want people to be killed for breaking a law unless it was really bad.

9/12/2012 05:24:54 am

i agree with all of you that it is diffulit to follow these laws

kyle huneycutt elv 3peoid
9/12/2012 05:30:34 am

I agree because that good evidence.

9/12/2012 10:15:44 am

i disagree with you

9/13/2012 06:34:23 am

Can you please explain which of my answers are wrong and why?

9/12/2012 11:26:59 am

I agree with #2 because the laws were extreme.

NoahLinton.wease.3rd period
9/13/2012 05:09:04 am

I agree

9/13/2012 06:27:25 am

i agree with answer #1

9/13/2012 06:48:18 am

I agree with you on both because you are right the bishops tended to mess up. Plus those punishments he listed were too extreme for the laws. People mess up and its hard to follow those rule perfect.

9/13/2012 10:11:36 am

I agree with your 2 answers i hink that the first paragraph gives you really good reasonings

9/13/2012 10:53:21 am

nice answer for number 1

Avery Lowdert
9/13/2012 11:20:42 am

I agree with part 2 i think thats a good thought

9/16/2012 07:58:44 am

I agree with what you said in #2.

9/25/2012 07:39:06 am

I agree because people listened to the preist more then the emporer

9/12/2012 04:54:16 am

P1. justinian wanted the emperor to rule because thay will lision to him better than any one elts
P2. if youdont lison to him you will be punished or maby even killed for disobaying

kyle huneycutt elv 3p
9/12/2012 05:27:07 am

I have to disagree because he did not support independent churches.

9/12/2012 05:52:05 am

I think the rules are too extreme and hat depending on the level of crime they did, the biggr the consequence.

9/13/2012 12:29:02 pm

I agree with everything that you said.

9/12/2012 06:50:01 am

i agree because if u did not listen they would kill u not punish you like jail.

9/12/2012 10:17:21 am

i agree with you (both)

9/13/2012 08:06:14 am

disagree with one but not 2

Avery Lowder
9/13/2012 11:22:23 am

I agree with one but number to is not fully answering the question so im not sure on that one.

9/12/2012 04:57:53 am

Part:1 I think that the emperor should have a church because everybody and people will listen to him.
Part:2 No, because if the people don't listen to him then he will kill the person that doesn't listen to him

9/12/2012 05:26:12 am

i agree that the emperor should have the church

9/13/2012 06:29:25 am

i agree with answer #1

9/13/2012 10:43:19 am

I think that if you support your answer people will comment on you a little more.

9/12/2012 05:19:05 am

1. I think that the emporer should have power over the church because the citizens will listen to the emperor more than any one else.
2. I think that the rules are to extreme because if the rules listed were broken I think it would be to harsh to be put to death, and in religion today God wouldn't want people to be killed if they broke a law.

9/12/2012 05:39:45 am

I said the same thing for part 1. I like the way you explained your thoughts.

9/12/2012 06:56:54 am

i sort of agree with you on # 2 but can you answer this Question how do you know that God wouldn't want people to be killed if they broke a law?

9/12/2012 11:29:11 am

I also think the emperor should be over the church.

9/13/2012 04:34:44 am

I really agree with you on this this is almost like what I said

ryanokelly.wease 3rd period
9/13/2012 10:37:05 am

i agree

9/16/2012 08:02:32 am

I also think that the rules were too extreme and I like how you explained why you thought that.

9/12/2012 05:22:07 am

P1: I think the emperor should have church because then everybody will come out and listen to him

P2:NO,because if nobody don't come out and listen to him then he will kill them

9/12/2012 06:53:07 am

i disagree with you because i don't get with you 're saying on number two because what do you mean by not coming out and not listening to him. What if he wasn't talking and you listen to him and where come can it came out list examples so that i know what you talking about next time.

kyle huneycutt elv 3period
9/12/2012 05:36:20 am

part 1. Justinian considerd the emepeor head of the church and did not support indepedentchurchs and people did not follow the laws.

9/12/2012 05:37:00 am

Part 1- I think that the emperor should have power over the church because the citizans will listen to him better and people will e less likely to break the rules.

Part 2- I think that the rules are too extreme because why are the bishops killed if thy break a rule and not just punished? I think that they should just be punished.

9/12/2012 06:45:08 am

i agree with you because for example you stand up while a person is talking without raising your hand and you get to put to death for that, that is pretty harsh they can just do easy things like have a time out and other things.

9/12/2012 07:19:27 am

I agree because if you are not listening to the teachings the emperor would sentence you to death that's harsh and mean

9/12/2012 09:27:22 am

I agree with #2 they shouldn't be severely punished for such a small crime. it should be less punishment than death , the all time price

9/13/2012 09:20:48 am

I agree with both of your answers wholeheartedly because you explained why you thought what you did and your proof in part one is a good point because people have to listen to the emperor no matter what.

9/13/2012 09:52:49 am

i agree on 2 because some people make mistakes and just for disobeying one rule too extream

kyle huneycutt elv 3period
9/12/2012 05:40:51 am

part2.yes I think some of his laws was extreme just the way it was set up but some of his laws was not so etreme you would just have to get used to it.

9/12/2012 11:33:11 am

I agree with you because the were extreme and back then people probably didn't think they were.

9/12/2012 06:35:37 am

Part 1: I think the emperor should control the church the people didn't listen to him it maybe a lot of people will not broke the rules. it says on paragraph.

Part 2 : I will go with yes because people can be put to death easily that's is mean people should died if you were the one that kill them how would you like if you be killed too?

9/12/2012 07:15:03 am

I think your part 1 is true because it is what it says in the selection.

9/13/2012 08:02:47 am

I agree with your part 2 because it was mean to kill somebody like that.

9/13/2012 09:56:41 am

i agree on 1 they would listen better to the empire

9/13/2012 10:08:20 am

I agree with what you said in part 2 i don't think it's fair to kill people like that and if that was me i wouldn't like it one bit

9/14/2012 05:26:26 am

Redoing it because Mrs. Elvington said 5 sentences or more.

Part 1: I think the emperor should control the church the people didn't listen to him it maybe a lot of people will not broke the rules. It says on paragraph #1 you gotta look to find it. I also think that he should control because people will treat and respect him better. He would punish people who did not obey the rules. He is all mighty and people would listen to him better. That was what i was thinking.

Part 2 : I will go with yes because people can be put to death easily that's is mean people should died if you were the one that kill them how would you like if you be killed too? If i was about to be killed i wouldn't like it and i know you are not gonna like it too. That's is bad for the world because people should not be killed. It wouldn't be fair because people need second chances just for that. I think it would be bad if we had it in school.

9/12/2012 06:36:43 am

P1. Justinian believed/thought that the emperor should be the ruler of the church because he thought that the citizens would respect him more and obey the rules,and the emperor would punish people who did not obey the rules.
P2.Yes, Justinian's laws were too extreme because in some cases it meant death.

9/12/2012 07:22:00 am

On your number two can you give me some examples of why it meant death, like if you were not listening to the sacred teachings they would kill you

9/13/2012 06:31:48 am

i agree with answer #2

9/12/2012 07:11:09 am

part 1: I think that the reason that Justinian wanted emperors as leaders of the church was because the people would always listen to the emperors. According to the passage the sacred teachings were not followed until this time. The emperors follow the rules better than just a random person picked to do it.

part 2: Yes, because if you break a law in church you should be punished not sentenced to death. The punishment should be like cleaning the church or making offerings to God. Today God wouldn't want people to be killed if they broke a law.

9/16/2012 07:56:54 am

I agree with #2 because, they should have just been punished not killed.

9/12/2012 09:21:41 am

1. He the emperor would be a better person to rule church becuase he said that a lot of holy bishops do not follow some of the sacred laws.

2. The laws are very extreme. In today's society we wouldnt' be able to punish people so badly for such little crimes. I agree more with the punishment in today's society. People shouldn't be killed for small/petty crimes.

9/13/2012 09:25:53 am

I really like the way you worded your second answer because it is really ridiculous to punish people with death for not following a religious law that might not aply to their religion of beliefs.

9/12/2012 11:24:54 am

1. Because some of the bishops either ignorant of or do not perform the teachings as they should.
2. Yes I think they are extreme to kill someone for not following the laws of the church.

9/12/2012 11:39:34 am

1) The statement "and indeed there are even some among them who are either ignorant of, or do not perform the holy service of the mass" shows he wants the emperor to be head of the church so thet that will correct the ways of the bishops and make them do good and follow the laws of the church.

2) I belive that the consequence for not enforcing the laws has gone way too far. God wouldn't want man to die, no matter what they have done, until it is their time.

9/13/2012 06:45:34 am

I really like the way you put your #2 I completely agree with you on that one.

9/13/2012 02:39:36 am

His laws are extreme because everyone has there own opion and you shouldnt go around killing people for doing what they believe in

9/13/2012 02:49:32 am

#1 i think that he should have power since he is the empier and he is all mighty and people would listen to him.
#2i beliuve that they wernt to to harsh if u mess up its your fault and it would set a example for everyone else.

9/13/2012 04:30:20 am

Part 1- I think the emperor should rule the church so then people will then understand and do what he says...
Part 2-They should not kill the people they should just have a punishment.They took it to far with the killing people thing

Hannah Collins
9/13/2012 04:31:25 am

The emporer should be the head of the church but only if he/she does good things for that church.His rules are 'Ok' I mean they are a little harsh but people have their on opinions and shouldn't be hurt because of that.

9/13/2012 04:35:46 am

1: they listen to him, and he should have power cause he is the empoprer
2: No becsause if they ddi listen to him he would kill them.

noahlinton.wease.3rd period
9/13/2012 05:04:22 am

Part 1 I think its a good idea because everybody will listen to him
part 2 yes because every time someone disobeyed he killed them

Haley wease 3
9/13/2012 05:08:38 am

Part 1: I also believe that the citizens will listen to them but when all of his emperor problem's get in the way he will never have time to come to the church and preach.
Part 2: I believe that his rules are very extreme yes he should execute all that kill others and innocent people but he shouldn't kill people that don't obey one little rule.

9/13/2012 05:16:02 am

1: i think he wants the emporer because of "We have just prescribed; and when the bishops do not immediately obey, the Governors must notify Us of the fact."
2: Yes the laws are to strcked because the article says "We hereby warn the Governors, as well as their courts, that if they do not see that what We have decreed is executed, they shall be put to death."

9/13/2012 09:15:57 am

I agree with both of your answers because they are well worded and you can scroll up to the text and your proof matches exactly with it which is great.

9/13/2012 06:00:46 am

A1: Justinian thought the emperor should rule the church because the people would listen to him the best.
A2: They should kill people that commit murder, but one very small law shouldn't count towards their death.

9/13/2012 06:24:53 am

1)He thinks that the people will listen even more because he is an emperor.

2)Yes, because if they don't pay attention they will be put to death.

9/13/2012 06:29:21 am

Responce 1. He thought that people would listen and respect him more because he is the leader.
Responce 2. Yes I think they are extreme because just because they do something wrong they souldn't have to die they should have a less harsh punishment.

9/13/2012 06:35:09 am

Part2- I think that Justinian's laws were to powerful becase just because they break a law that doesn't mean they should die. People make mistakes

9/13/2012 06:43:19 am

P1-Justinian wanted The emperor's to be the leaders of the church because everyone else is afraid to be on the bad side with the emperor. Plus who else follows rules better than the one that enforces them? Quote: (~Therefore, the most holy bishops who are charged with the enforcement of these laws are liable to severe penalties when they allow any breaches of them to remain unpunished~) Which means he doesn't want them to rule he wants the emperors to rule because of this quote: (~and when the bishops do not immediately obey, the Governors must notify Us of the fact~)

P2- I think the rules were too extreme because killing someone for not obeying your religion is way too harsh. I know then they wanted everyone to obey what they believe in but people have different opinions. An easier way to do it would have been fining them for disobeying or throwing them in jail for a short time.

9/13/2012 07:59:12 am

I think your right about how harsh he was on people who did not abey the religion

9/13/2012 09:58:11 am

I agree with you I thought the rules of "if you didn't obey your religon they would kill you" is a little too harsh I think people should have freedom to do whatever they want.

9/13/2012 07:47:37 am

Part 1: He thinks an emperor should rule the church because people would listen to him better and respect him.

Part 2: Yes because someone does not listen the first time does not mean they should be killed for it they should just have a punishment for it.

Ethan seger 2nd
9/13/2012 07:55:31 am

p1 : He believes in god
p2: or else he will kill you

9/13/2012 07:57:03 am

1.Justinian wanted to rule the church because he could make sure no one is doing anything againest the law.
2. I think killing somebody for not following the religion is a very mean and harsh way to do things.

9/13/2012 08:01:40 am

part one: no because he makes makes bad compliments about god
part two: yes

Alexis Retera-Fisher.Wease.3
9/13/2012 08:41:15 am

Q1: The evidence that supports Justinian's belief that the emperor should be head of the church is: 1.Most holy bishops who are charged with not obeying the laws are liable to severe penalties when they allow any breaches of them to remain unpunished.
2.We notify all bishops that if they should violate any of these provisions, they must render an account of their conduct on the terrible judgment Day of Our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ.
3.We hereby warn the bishops, as well as their followers that if they do not see that what We have decreed is executed, they shall be put to death.
Q2:Justinian's laws are too extreme because I think its wrong to kill someone just because of doing wrong, Jesus forgives people for there wrong doings! so why would they kill innicent people, I also think its wrong to say a emperor should run a church because a bishop is taught to be a bishop and not much else, and a emperor rules not leads the church


9/13/2012 09:11:45 am

Part 1: Evidence of this belief is in the text when Justinian says that not all bishops live by the "Divine Laws" or enforce them on the people of their churches so the emperor should do it in their place. Something funny about him saying that is that he is the emperor so obviously he would want power over the religious system aswell as the government system in Byzantine.

Part 2: I think his punishment of death if you don't follow these rules is too harsh. I don't think people should have to follow these rules as being something punishable by law, if you are of the catholic belief and want to follow these rules then that's fine but death penalty is way too harsh for a group of religious laws that don't aply to everyone.

9/13/2012 09:25:57 am

1 Response: What evidence supports Justinian's belief that the emperor should be head of the church? He thought people would listen and respect him because he knew no one would want to get on his bad side.

2 Do you feel that Justinian's laws are too extreme? Explain your reasoning. Yes because you shouldn't kill people for little laws broken and people make mistakes so yes he is too extreme.

9/13/2012 10:24:50 am

Part1: He said that the emperor hould be the head of the chuch because a lot of people listened to him and where scared of him.

Part2: I say that the laws were a little to extreme, because people wpould get killed for just not obeying the eligion you had, but i think all peopl should have the right to choose the religion they have and what to believe in.

ryanokelly.wease 3rd period
9/13/2012 10:29:32 am

1. they might want the emperor to be the leader of the church because they might trust him more since he is the emperor
2.yes his laws were extreme because if they messed up the emperor would have them put to death. Which I think is wrong because everyone makes mistakes and we don't get put to death for our small mistakes.

9/13/2012 10:33:43 am

Q1: They don't perform the Holy Service of the mass, or of the ceremony of baptism.
Q2: No, because his rules were perfect and as long as you listen you will be fine, I also think that the laws were okay because you had to kill somebody if you didn't do something write.

9/13/2012 10:48:54 am

1.people were somewhat scared of him so he feels the law would be better enforced with him doing it 2. I do feel his laws were pretty extreme because if someone breaks a tiny law their life is going to end by execution.

9/13/2012 11:40:08 am

I totally agree with u great job! 😊

Avery Lowder
9/13/2012 11:18:58 am

Part 1: People would listen and respect him more which would make things easier for the church.
Part 2: I kind of do because if someone makes a mistake they can end up being put to death and so they should have more of a warning or something but i definitely think the consequences are to extreme.

9/13/2012 11:32:35 am

1. Justinian thinks that if an emperor rules the church the emperor with have more power over them plus the church will listen to him.
2. Yes, Justinians laws are to extreme because killing someone just not obeying the laws is wrong , I understand it's the law but killing someone is still just plan wrong

Alexis Gra.Elv.2
9/13/2012 12:27:53 pm

Part 1: Justinian thought it would be better, because it says in the first paragraph that sometimes the people would not follow his rules. So if he was head of the catholic church, he made sure everything was going his way.
Part 2: I think that his rules were very harsh. You really do not have to kill someone as a punishment.

9/16/2012 03:35:27 am

Part 1- He thinks that an emperor should rule, so people will listen better and so that They would be heard by faithful people.

Part 2- Yes, because people shouldn't just be killed because he wasn't listened to. He could atleast punish them or give them a warning in law form, instead of saying in the 4th paragraph or section that " they shall e put to death".

9/16/2012 07:51:46 am

Part 1: Justinian believed that the emperor should be head of the church because, since the emperor is very important and powerful then everyone would listen and follow him.

Part 2: I do think that Justinian's laws were too extreme because, killing people isn't the answer. People have a right to choose what religion they want to be. They also have a right to believe in what they think is right and what is wrong.

9/16/2012 09:42:33 am

1.he thinks that an emperor should rule so people would not do what they want to do.

2.yes, because just people do not follow the rules doesn't mean they should be killed.They should be givin some chances before an execution, because some people want to be in different religions and not just one religion.

Mrs. Elvington - 9/17
9/17/2012 01:23:02 am

Do not submit any more responses via comment. Please submit any responses to your teacher in writing.

9/19/2012 04:40:54 am

Part 1 I think that the emperor should rule because the people would listen to him him better and obey him better than the priest would

Part 2 Yes i do think the people should be killed because if they dont listen the first time they would do it again

9/22/2012 04:30:01 am

1. He thinks that the emperor should rule the church because the people would listen to him and obey him and there would be more people practicing their religion
2. I do not like the laws. They are too extreme because they would kill someone if they didnt listen to what they said and that is wrong and cruel.

9/25/2012 07:01:09 am

I think the emperor should rule the church because if he is telling you what religion to believe in evedentally he knows way more about it than you yourself even knows about it.

I disagree about the killing the people part becausenyounhave to think about it if we were in heir place wouldn't you want to have a few more chances.not like fifty but at least three times and then possibly something less harsh like a hitting with a stick.

9/25/2012 07:23:30 am

1. I think they listen to him more then they listen to emporer because he gave the teachings of the god.
2. I think the laws are to harsh because they can be killed for one simple thing like just defing the emporer or anyone higher then them.

9/26/2012 09:12:02 am

Part 1: He thinks an emperor should role the church because people will listen and respect him more.

Part 2: Yes because someone doesn't listen the first time doesn't mean they should be killed for it they should just have a punishment for there wrong doing.

9/26/2012 11:04:21 am

PART 1: He thinks that an emperor should rule the church because people would listen to him better and they would also respect him more then what they already do.

PART 2: Yes because if some one did some thing bad or went against the rules/law they should be punished for it at first instead of being killed for it

9/10/2013 10:10:43 am

part 1. the people is to listen to the king at all times so thay well listen because it the king.
part 2.yes.becouse at all times a king will kill the people for respect .

11/9/2016 07:39:19 am



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